St. Cyril of Alexandria Roman Catholic Parish
A welcoming community of faith in the Roman Catholic tradition

Get Involved!

There are many ways for you to be active in the St. Cyril Parish. Whether a young child or an experienced senior, we invite you to peruse the various ministries/organizations and be a part of our community. Welcome! Please look below for ways you can contribute.


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Groups / Organizations

Becoming Catholic

Catholic Discovery is a catechetical and spiritual formation process designed for those who are considering becoming Catholic, and for those who were baptized in our faith, but have not had religious formation or did not celebrate Confirmation and First Communion. To learn more…

Boy Scouts

The Scouting program emphasizes helping young men develop character, citizenship, and mental and physical fitness. To be a Boy Scout, you are between 11 through 17 years of age, or have earned the Cub Scouting Arrow of Light award and are at least 10 years old, or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old. Troop 115 is chartered by St. Cyril of Alexandria Roman Catholic Parish in Tucson, Arizona. We are part of the Catalina Council, Spanish Trails District. Troop 115 strives to live by the Boy Scout Motto and Law: serving the Church, community, and Boy Scouts of America. Should you have any questions, please feel free to email We’d love to hear from you!




“Liturgy is the work of God’s People”

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding Liturgy or are interested in becoming a Liturgical Minister please feel free to contact Fr. Paul Henson in the Parish Office at 520-795-1633 ext. 105 or email him at

What is Liturgy?

Liturgy – IS the work of the church. But to the ancient Greeks who coined the term “liturgy” meant “public work”. That is any work undertaken in service of the general populace.

Liturgy – IS worship – it is words and actions through which the Church publicly praises God in Jesus’ name. It is everything we do in worship.

Liturgy – IS “our” work. It makes us who we are as Christians, Catholics, and Community. By virtue of our Baptism we are all called to be ministers (servants) to each other.

Liturgy – IS the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed, at the same time it is the fount from which all the Church’s power flows.

The primary function of liturgy is to worship God in a full, conscious, and active participative way.

Good liturgy will enhance people’s faith; poor liturgy will be hazardous”

Ministry of Service

At St. Cyril we have various ministries that are available to those who wish to fulfill their baptismal call.

Each week Catholics from the metro-area and around the world come to worship on the Lord’s Day and Holy Days at St. Cyril of Alexandria Catholic Church. Some people serve as Liturgical Ministers to help facilitate the assemblies during the liturgies. Their ministry touches all who come to worship at our parish and assist the faith community in its public communal prayer as we join the endless prayer of thanksgiving in union with the whole Church.

There are a variety of ministries for the laity including ministers of music, ministers of hospitality (ushers & greeters), lectors, altar servers, sacristans, extra-ordinary ministers of the Eucharist.

Please consider offering a few hours each month in stewardship to the parish by serving as a lay liturgical minister:

Ministers of Hospitality – commonly known as greeters and ushers, provide a sense of hospitality and welcome to all worshipers. They minister in various ways throughout the Liturgy.

Altar Servers – assist the presider at the altar and throughout the Liturgy. This ministry is open to males and females beginning after reception of the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion.

Lectors – assist with the proclamation of the Word of God, general intercessions, and announcements. These ministers must be able to proclaim the readings, prayers, and announcements clearly and effectively to the assembly.

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – assist the presider, concelebrants and deacons with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. There are also opportunities  to take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound.

Sacristans – responsible for the preparation of liturgical vessels for the liturgies, cleaning vessels after the liturgy, checking in the various ministers assigned to a particular liturgy (lectors, E.M’s, Ushers, Altar Servers).

N.B. All Lectors and Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist must be fully initiated into the Roman Catholic Church (Baptism, Confirmation, Communion and Penance). Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist must be at least 16 years of age.

All ministers will need to fill out paperwork, view the diocesan video to become compliant, and go through minister training.


If your child is not in a Catholic school, he/she should be in a Religious Education Program.
St. Cyril of Alexandria Parish offers religious education on Sundays, August though April, for the following age groups:

  • Kindergarten (5 yrs), and First to Sixth Grade – Sunday 10 AM – 12:45 PM (includes the 10 AM Mass, immediately followed by class)
  • Grades 7, 8 and 9 for youths that have not made their Reconciliation and or First Eucharist, Sunday 11 AM – 12:45 PM (attendance at either the 10 AM or 1 PM Mass is expected).


We hold registration twice each year: at the start of the school year in August and September, and after the Christmas holidays in January. During these months, registration forms can be picked up from the table in the vestibule of the church or at the Parish Office during regular business hours.

A donation of $50 per child is requested.

For more information please contact Becki Jenkins at 520-795-1633 ext. 104.

First Reconciliation

St. Cyril is now offering this sacrament to children eight years old and older. For those families who have children at St. Cyril of Alexandria School, a separate program of classes will be offered during school hours. There will be a common retreat day for all parents and common celebration of Reconciliation for all.

First Holy Eucharist

For those families who have children at St. Cyril School, a separate program of classes will be offered during school hours.


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